Our Vision
The One Thing…
When I was young, my Grandparents and I spent many hours speaking about our history with Real Estate. We walked the farm and various other property that they knew or had an interest in and they would explain to me the history of the land and what they had learned from it. The one thing they always told me to keep in mind is that land is never worthless. Their logic was fairly straight forward, “Land is the one thing that they are not making any more of.”
The truth of that statement was not immediately evident to me. It wasn’t until I was much older, had experienced life, and spent time working in an environment that was exposed directly to the roots of the 2008 Financial Crisis, that the real nature and value of land became evident. What I realized was that the transfer, ownership, and development of Real Property is the life-blood of any developed society. It feeds us, houses us, protects us, and provides for our families.
It is with this realization and understanding that I decided to make my Law firm into a full service Real Estate practice.
By uniquely focusing on the issues surrounding Real Estate, my firm is able to assist Buyers, Sellers, Investors, and Real Estate Agents realize the true value of land, while providing the necessary insight and education that enables parties to avoid pitfalls associated with these infinitely valuable transactions. We look forward to working with you and enabling you to realize the potential held in your property.
Graham Renfro
Managing Partner